If you have any questions about an item, you can contact the store by using the ‘Make An Enquiry’ button on the product detail page or contact the store directly. Store contact details can be found on our Store Locator page.
If you have purchased an item and have questions about delivery, first check your item tracking if a tracking number was provided. If you have further questions, please contact the store of purchase. You can view the store’s contact details on your dispatch sheet which is emailed to you or in your order history if you have an account.
If you have questions regarding payments please respond to your confirmation email with the details. Alternatively, contact us on (08) 9221 9111 or via email at webshop@cashconverters.com quoting your order number.
For details regarding complaints, please see our Dispute Resolution Policy.
Registering for Cashies Online is easy. You can register with your email address or via a Facebook, Google or Apple account. Simply click the Your Account icon on the top right of your screen and select Register.
For a quick checkout process, you can checkout via our guest function. Please note that by checking out as a guest, your order information will not be saved.
Enter the search term in the search box to find items. To refine your search you can add additional terms to your search and/or refine using the filter.
You can also change the sort order of the results and save the search to run again later or to receive alerts when new items are listed that match your search.
In the Filter you can clear all filters using the “Clear all” option.
Yes! Simply do a “blank search”. Click on the search button and you’ll then see all results from all categories. From here you can refine your search terms or apply filters.
Yes! With Saved Search, you can be notified whenever an item comes up for sale online matching any of your search terms.
Simply create your search and when you are ready to save it click the Star icon or ‘Save Search’. To save the search you’ll need to be registered with an account. You can view and edit your saved searches, including alert frequency, in your account dashboard.
You can also access this screen by clicking ‘Manage searches’ from the Saved Search menu or from your alert emails. Alerts will be sent to your registered email once new items are listed matching your search criteria.
Wishlist allows you to create a list of items that you want to save and come back to later. Simply hit the heart button to add the item to your list.
To view your Wishlist items, click the heart button in the top navigation or from your Account Dashboard if you’re registered. You can Wishlist items as a Guest but as these are only kept for 30 days, it’s best to register.
Simply use the Buy Now button to add to your basket and then follow the prompts to complete checkout, or to continue shopping simply close the Added to Cart notification.
Until a payment is processed the item is still available for other customers to purchase, so make sure you checkout as soon as you can!
All of our great products originally show on the website without photos. To help add more detail, including pictures, our super busy team of store staff add to these every day. If you would like to see more detail click the Make An Enquiry button on the item page to ask the store directly for images.
No, we can only sell locally to Australia. If you are based internationally, then we would highly recommend checking in with your local Cash Converters as we have a number of international stores available.
We accept payment via PayPal or Credit/Debit Card (Visa or Mastercard). Payments are processed by a third-party provider. Cash Converters only holds the name of the card holder along with ‘partial’ credit card numbers as supplied by the third-party provider. This partial information allows correct administration of purchases via the Cash Converters webshop. Cash Converters do not store full credit card details that you supplied with your purchase.
All items purchased online must be paid for online and cannot be paid for in-store, however you can pay for items online and then pick up in-store.
Once the payment has been cleared and the money received by Cash Converters, most items are dispatched within one business day.
Delivery timing varies based on your location, the location of the item, and the method of delivery (Post, Express, Courier).
For an estimate on delivery timing please contact the store. For your protection, some orders require verification before they are approved. Payments may be declined if they cannot be verified.
Unfortunately, layby isn’t available for online purchases.
We currently offer PayPal Pay in 4 for online purchases. Eligibility for Pay in 4 is subject to PayPal’s terms.
No, currently we do not offer Afterpay for online purchases. Afterpay is only available in a limited number of stores for in-store purchases.
On confirmation of your order a link to your Invoice will be sent to your provided email. You can also jump into your account under My Shopping in the login menu, to see all your orders and invoices. Some items do not attract GST and so in those cases no GST will appear on your invoice.
Typically this means an error has occurred with your method of payment. We would strongly recommend trying to purchase again but using an alternate payment method. If you continue to receive an error please contact us on (08) 9221 9111 or via email at webshop@cashconverters.com for assistance.
Typically this means the item you attempted to purchase, or at least one item in your order, was sold or became no longer available before we received your payment. In these circumstances you will receive an email notification with the details of your refund and which item(s) was no longer available. For any items still available, you will need to purchase them again. Some financial institutions can take 3-5 business days to process the refund. PayPal may also hold the refund for a short period of time before making the funds available again.
Yes, we use Tier 1 Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard compliant external payment providers.
Postage options and costs are displayed in your cart so you can select the option that best fits your needs. If you have special requirements, please contact the store to discuss options before completing the purchase. Once the order has been paid the postage option cannot be changed. Please note that some items may not be available for certain postage options due to their cubic dimensions and/or weight. Where possible, a courier will be sourced for items that cannot be sent via Australia Post. If no courier option is available, the item may only be available for pickup in-store.
Most items are dispatched within 24 hours of payment being received, or the next business day when weekends or public holidays. When the item is dispatched, you'll receive an email with your tracking number and a link to the postage carrier where you can check the tracking number. Delivery times will vary depending on the item location, delivery location, and method of delivery. For an estimated delivery time please contact the store.
Yes, you can! At the checkout you’ll be provided with postage options for each item including an option to pick the item up from the store where the item is located. If picking up in store, you may be asked for identification to verify your details match the purchase and provide the original credit/debit card used online to verify details.
Where you elect to pick up your purchased item(s) from the store, you will be required to collect the item(s) within 30 days of the purchase date, unless otherwise agreed with the store. Where you fail to collect you item(s) within the required period, and alternative arrangements have not been made, we will refund the purchase price to you and the item(s) will be relisted for sale.
If you purchase more than one item from the same store, the delivery charge for the item that costs less will be halved. Please note that any charge applied for insurance can’t be discounted. If you’re purchasing multiple items listed by multiple Cash Converters stores, no postage discount can be offered.
We hope this won't happen, but occasionally things can get lost in the post. For a seamless process, please contact the Cash Converters store you purchased your item from as soon as possible. We’ll be able to lodge an investigation with Australia Post directly and help trace the delivery on your behalf.
All items that are listed online are located at Cash Converters stores in Australia. You can find the specific store’s contact information on the item listing.
Most items are listed online, however some stores may have additional items available in-store. Contact the store directly to find out more.
Unfortunately not. All the items listed online are available from Cash Converters stores. However, you can sell your items to Cashies for a quick and easy way to unlock the value of your item. Simply use the online tool to get a quote from your local Cashies. We buy a wide range of items of value, like computers, cameras, jewellery, tools, gaming consoles and more. Whatever you might have to sell, we’d love to take a look and see what we can make possible.
Cash Converters offers a 90-day fault warranty on most items, so if your purchase is faulty simply contact the store where it was purchased. You can find this information on your dispatch sheet.
The store's contact details are on the dispatch sheet you received with your item. You can also check your order history online with your Cashies account to find out which store sent the item. If you require any of the store's contact details of the store, please see our Store Locator page.
As soon as we process a refund, an email is sent to you to let you know that it's been processed. The refund will be processed back to the payment method used to make the purchase. Some financial institutions can take 3-5 business days to process the refund. PayPal may also hold the refund for a short period of time before making the funds available again.
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